Dr Trish Adams (GB/Aus) – Curriculum Vitae
Adjunct Professor, QUT Creative Industries , Brisbane. (01/01/14-31/12/16)
Visiting Research Fellow, HIRi, RMIT, Melbourne. (21/05/14-21/05/17)
Doctor of Visual Arts, Queensland College of Art, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia.
B.A.V.A.Honours I, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia.
1995 (Feb.) – 1997 (Dec.)
Bachelor of Arts, Visual Arts – B.A.V.A. QUT, Brisbane, Australia.
1994 (Dec.) – 1992 (Sept.)
Bachelor of Fine Arts, University of Miami, Miami, U.S.A (Transferred to QUT for completion as B.A.V.A.).
Recent Employment
Sept 2009-Sept 2013 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, RMIT University School of Art
Selected Exhibitions
Visit me_HONEYBEE in Botanica, Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Brisbane, 6-15th April
Universal Toolbox of the Flesh in The Rise of Bio-Society, Riddoch Gallery, Mt. Gambier, South Australia, 7 April – 7 May
OBVERSE in Femel_Fissions, the Block Gallery, QUT Creative Industries Precinct, Kelvin Grove, Brisbane, 19 July – 19 August.
Honeybee Raree Box in Light Play, UQ Art Museum, Brisbane 15 August-15 November.
HOST in Creaturely Feelings, Dax Gallery, University of Melbourne, 12-15 July.
Inaudible City and Fractured_Message in Disconnections, Univ. of Melbourne’s Audiology, Hearing and Speech Sciences Building, Carlton.
HOST in Creativity & Cognition Conference Exhibition, UTS, Sydney, June 17-20.
Urban Swarming_02 in Multi Species Intra-Art, MOP Gallery, Chippendale, Sydney, July 8-29.
Disordered Swarming (installation) in TOXICITY, Plug-In ICA, Winnipeg, Canada. 6 Dec.’13-9 Feb.’14.
Disordered Swarming (video), Gold Coast Art Prize, Gold Coast City Gallery, 7 Dec.’13-9 Feb.’14
HOST inISEA 2012, Museum of Contemporary Art. Albuquerque, September.
HOST in Creatures of the Future Garden, Spectrum Project Space, Edith Cowan University, Perth, June/July.
Changing Fates_004 in Digital11, ‘The Alchemy of Change’, New York Hall of Science, New York.
mellifera : neoNacent in Experimedia – Freeplay, State Library, Victoria –
mellifera: extensions, RMIT Virtual Reality Centre & Federation Square live-feed large scale projection, April.
HOST, Transmediale09, Berlin, Germany, 27th January-1st February
Mellifera, Second Life in-world launch, Australia Council for the Arts, Sydney, March
Changing Fates_matrilineal in Art & the Biotech, Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide, April
HOST, large-scale projection, Parer Place Screen, Creative Industries Precinct, Brisbane, April
Mellifera, ‘the block’, QUT Creative Industries, Brisbane, August
TAXA, RMIT Virtual Hub, (Gallery 91), Melbourne, November
HOST, The University Art Museum, The James & Mary Emelia Mayne Centre, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, 6 March – 6 April.
Something quite “Other” in Wonbit, Scientific & Feminist Approaches, Rome, Italy, June.
Dolly 00121 in Allegories of the Genome, Vancouver, Canada.
Changing Fates, Harries National Digital Art Awards, Finalist, the block, QUT Creative Industries Precinct, Brisbane, 17 May – 4 June.
in vitro, Re-Active, the block, QUT Creative Industries Precinct, Brisbane, 28 February – 25 March.
Dolly 00121, Harries National Digital Art Awards, Finalist, the block, QUT Creative Industries Precinct, Brisbane, 4 August – 3 September & Beijing Film Academy, Beijing, China.
‘machina carnis’, Brisbane Powerhouse, Brisbane, 5 – 11 June.
Beryllium in Art & Science, Parliament House, Brisbane, September.
Wave Writer in the International Symposium of Electronic Art 2004, Tallinn, Estonia.
Temporal Intervals, Brisbane Powerhouse, Brisbane & on-line, 23 June – 7 July.
The Australian Network for Art and Technology: SYNAPSE Grant.
The Australia Council for the Arts Art Project for Individuals and Groups – Emerging and Experimental Art Grant, Co-Curator.
The Australia Council for the Arts Artists with Disabilities Grant.
The Australia Council for the Arts Inter Arts Office & Visual Arts Board ‘MMUVE IT!’ initiative: collaborator
The Australia Council for the Arts Visual Art & Craft Board New Work Grant.
The Australia Council for the Arts New Media Fund out-of-time grant
Griffith University Post-doctoral student Overseas Conference Travel Grant.
Arts Queensland Small Grant.
Conference & Workshop Quick Response Fund, ANAT.
2002 – 2005
A.P.A. Research Scholarship (3.5 years).
Conference Presentations
Many Worlds Within This World in Vision and Opticality: The Humanities and Neuroscience, Public Forum, The University of Queensland Art Museum, 17th March.
Something Quite Other, SPECTRA Art+Science 2018, Symposium, 10-12 October 2018, Adelaide, Australian Network for Art & Technology.
European Honeybee: Inter-connectivity at the Edge of Stillness, Animal Publics: Emotions, Empathy, Activism, The University of Melbourne, 12-15 July.
One Thing Leads to Another. Xcommunicate, The Cube, QUT CPI, 1st March.
A space to Cross, AASG @ Sydney: Life in the Anthropocene, The University of Sydney, 8-10 July.
Shivering domains: technologically mediated embodiment and ecologies, ISEA 2013, Sydney, 7-16 June.
Re_mediations in the Bio_digital, Transdisciplinarity, VCA, Melbourne
Corporeal Expressions, ISEA 2011, Istanbul,
In the City of the Apis Queen, ISEA 2011, Istanbul
Shivering Boundaries, ISEA 2011, Istanbul
Apis Queen, Rewire Conference of Media Histories, Liverpool, U.K.
Mediating Corporeality: Reinterptetations at the Art/Science Interface, Virtual Anatomies Symposium, The University of Queensland.
Changing Fates, artscience@the interface, State Library Queensland, March
Pluripotent Stem Cells: an artist grows her own, Eye of the Storm Symposium, Tate Britain, June
Scientific Visualisations and Mixed Realities at the Art/Science Nexus. ISEA2008, Singapore, July/August.
Changing Fates: an exploration of biomedical transformations, perthDAC Conference, The Future of Digital Media, Perth , September.
machina carnis: a productive art/science collaboration, New Constellations Art/Science Conference, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, March.
Peer Reviewed
Interspecies Proximities and Entanglements in ANTENNAE, The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture, Multispecies Intra-actions, Issue #32, Summer 2015, pp. 21-27.
Shivering Domains: Technologically Mediated Embodiment and Ecologies, Conference Proceedings, ISEA2013, Sydney, Australia, June, 2013,
Re_mediations in the bio_digital in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Transdisciplinary Imaging: At the Intersections Between Art, Science and Culture, Su Baker, Paul Thomas and Andrew Varano (ed.) Sydney, pp. 36-46.
Mediating Corporeality: Re-Interpretations at the Art/Science Interface in Somatechnics. Volume 2, Page 284-304 DOI 10.3366/soma.2012.0062, ISSN 2044-0138.
’Corporeal Expressions: tracing both biomedical & emotional links from an artistic perspective, in Marie-Pier Boucher (ed.) Proceedings of ISEA2011 Istanbul, Turkey, 14-21 September, 2011, pp. 1-6.
‘Shivering Boundaries’, in Lanfranco Aceti & the ISEA board (ed.) Proceedings of ISEA2011 Istanbul, Turkey, 14-21 September, 2011, pp. 1-3.
Adams, P and Burrell, A 2011, ‘Urban ecologies: ‘In the city of the Apis Queen’’, in Lanfranco Aceti & the ISEA board (ed.) ISEA2011 Istanbul, Turkey, 14-21 September, 2011, pp. 1-3.
“Exploring Mixed Realities and Scientific Visualisations in Art/Science collaborations” in The Scientific Imaginary in Visual Culture, Smelik, A. (ed.), V & R unipress: Goettingen, Germany, 2010.
Adams, T & Burrell, A. ‘mellifera: a mixed reality project 2009-10’, “Second Nature”,Vol 2, No 1, pp 288-303, (2010)
Changing Fates: an exploration of biomedical transformations, Inaugural Special Issue, Media Space.
Scientific Visualisations and Mixed Realities at the Art Science Nexus,in Conference Proceedings, ISEA2008, Singapore, 25 July,2008.
Changing Fates: an exploration of biomedical transformations in Proceedings of perthDAC 2007, The 7th International Digital Arts & Culture Conference, Hutchison, A. (ed.), Curtin University of Technology: Perth, Sept. 15-18, 2007, pp. 11-20.
‘machina carnis’: a productive art/science collaboration in Conference Proceedings, New Constellations: Art, Science & Society, MCA, Sydney, 17-19 March, 2006
The Implications for Artistic Expressions and Representations of Corporeality of the Experimental Techniques of Biomedical Engineering in Leonardo Abstract Service.
The Implications for Artistic Expressions and Representations of Corporeality of the Experimental Techniques of Biomedical Engineering, Doctor of Visual Arts Thesis, Griffith University, 2005.